📄️ Installation
Hashinal Wallet Connect is an abstraction layer for Hedera Wallet Connect. It simplifies the process of connecting to a Hedera wallet and performing basic operations for inscribed HTML Hashinals utilizing HCS-3 and more traditional tooling built with NextJS, Nuxt, Vite, Webpack, etc.
📄️ Topics
The inscribed Topic Ids for Hashinal Wallet Connect are updated regularly to support new features and bug fixes from the official Hedera Wallet Connect library.
📄️ SDK Reference
init(projectId SignClientTypes.Metadata, network?: LedgerId)
📄️ Usage with Next.js
Before you begin, see the installation guide for details.
📄️ Using Hashinals Wallet Connect with React
This guide demonstrates how to integrate the Hashinals Wallet Connect SDK with a React application.
📄️ Usage with HCS-3 Recursion
Here's a minimal example showing how to use HCS-3 recursion to load the WalletConnect SDK and display a user's balance.
📄️ Usage with Vite
Let's build a simple web application that connects to a Hedera wallet. We'll use Vite for quick setup and modern browser support.