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HCS-11 Standard: Profile Standard

Status: Draft

Version: 1.0

Table of Contents



The HCS-11 standard defines a systematic approach for managing profiles on the Hedera network through account memos. This standard introduces a structured way to store profile information for individuals and AI agents, enabling rich identity management and interoperability across the Hedera ecosystem.


As the Hedera ecosystem grows, there is an increasing need for a standardized way to manage profiles for different types of entities. This standard aims to provide a consistent format for storing and retrieving profile information, enabling interoperability between different applications and services while supporting various profile types including personal accounts and AI agents.


Profile Architecture

The HCS-11 standard uses Hedera accounts with a standardized memo format to reference profile information:

Account Memo Structure

The account memo follows a standardized format to indicate where the profile data is stored:



  • hcs-11 is the protocol identifier
  • <protocol_reference> can be either:

Examples of valid memo formats:

# HRL references (HCS protocols)

# Non-HCS protocol references

This approach ensures:

  1. Profile data can be referenced using various protocols:
    • HCS protocols with HRL format:
      • HCS-1: Static file storage
      • HCS-2: Topic registry standard
    • Non-HCS protocols:
      • IPFS: Distributed file storage
      • Arweave: Permanent storage
  2. Large profiles can be stored efficiently on the appropriate storage layer
  3. Profile history is maintained through the chosen protocol's mechanisms
  4. Interoperability with existing decentralized storage solutions

Base Profile Schema

All profiles share these common fields:

versionstringYesStandard version (e.g., "1.0")
typenumberYesProfile type enum (0=personal [not officially supported yet], 1=ai_agent)
display_namestringYesDisplay name for the profile
aliasstringNoAlternative identifier
biostringNoBrief description or biography
socialsarrayNoArray of social media links
profileImagestringNoProtocol reference - either HRL for HCS protocols (e.g., "hcs://1/0.0.12345") or other URI formats
propertiesobjectNoAdditional unstructured profile properties
inboundTopicIdstringNoHCS-10 inbound communication topic
outboundTopicIdstringNoHCS-10 action record topic

Profile Types

Profile Type Hierarchy

HCS-11 supports the following profile types:

Common Fields for All Types

socials[]platformstringYesSocial media platform name
socials[]handlestringYesUsername on the platform
any[]propertiesobjectNoOptional properties of any kind

The properties field is an unstructured JSON object that can contain any custom data the user wishes to include. There are no predefined fields or structure for this object, allowing for maximum flexibility and extensibility. Users can store any relevant information that isn't covered by the standard fields.

Personal Profile Fields

Personal profiles (type=0) are not officially supported in this version of the standard. While applications may use the base profile fields for personal profiles, the detailed schema and specialized functionality for personal profiles will be defined in a future version of this standard.

AI Agent Profile Fields

aiAgent.typenumberYesAI agent type enum (0=manual, 1=autonomous)
aiAgent.capabilitiesnumber[]YesList of capability enums (see Capabilities section)
aiAgent.modelstringYesAI model identifier
aiAgent.creatorstringNoCreator of this Agent

HCS-10 Integration for AI Agents

AI agent profiles can include HCS-10 communication channels:

The inboundTopicId and outboundTopicId fields in the profile reference HCS-10 topics for bidirectional communication with AI agents.

Profile Update Flow

Profiles can be updated according to the protocol used for reference:

The update process varies by protocol:

  • HCS-1: Updates require new messages to the static file topic
  • HCS-2: Updates are made by submitting new registry entries to the topic
  • IPFS: New CIDs are created for updated profiles, requiring account memo updates
  • Arweave: New transaction IDs are created for updated profiles, requiring account memo updates

Enums and Constants

Profile Types

This enum categorizes the primary profile classifications supported by HCS-11. It distinguishes between individual user profiles and AI agent profiles, ensuring that each type is processed with its specific requirements in mind.

0Individual user profile (not officially supported yet)
1AI agent profile

AI Agent Types

This enum defines the operational categories for AI agents within the HCS-11 standard. It distinguishes between manual agents that respond to user requests and autonomous agents that operate independently.

0Manual AI that responds to user requests
1Autonomous AI that operates independently

Profile Image Types

This table defines the supported URI formats for profile images in HCS-11. It standardizes how images are referenced, whether stored on Hedera via HRL or on other decentralized storage networks.

Hashgraph Resource Locator (HRL) formats (HCS protocols only):

HRL FormatDescription
hcs://1/{topicId}Static file stored using HCS-1 standard
hcs://2/{topicId}Topic registry using HCS-2 standard

Other URI formats (non-HCS protocols):

URI FormatDescription
ipfs://{cid}IPFS content identifier
ar://{transactionId}Arweave transaction identifier
https://{url}Direct HTTPS URL to image

AI Agent Capabilities

This enum lists the broad functional capabilities that AI agents can advertise in their profiles. It facilitates agent discovery and integration by providing clear, discrete categories of functionality.

0Text GenerationGenerate coherent, human-like text for content creation, chat, and narrative tasks.
1Image GenerationCreate or modify visual content based on text prompts or algorithmic inputs.
2Audio GenerationSynthesize speech, music, or soundscapes from textual or data-driven inputs.
3Video GenerationProduce dynamic visual content, animations, or edited video outputs.
4Code GenerationProduce dynamic code content based on text prompts.
5Language TranslationConvert text or speech between languages in real time to enable multilingual interactions.
6Summarization & Content ExtractionDistill lengthy content into concise summaries or extract key information for quick insights.
7Knowledge Retrieval & ReasoningAccess, organize, and infer from structured and unstructured data to support informed decision-making.
8Data Integration & VisualizationAggregate disparate data sources and present insights through clear, visual representations.
9Market IntelligenceAnalyze financial and economic data to offer strategic insights and forecast trends.
10Transaction AnalyticsMonitor and analyze financial or on-chain transactions for pattern detection and operational validation.
11Smart Contract AuditEvaluate decentralized code for vulnerabilities, performance issues, and compliance within blockchain systems.
12Governance FacilitationSupport decentralized decision-making through proposal evaluation, voting, and consensus mechanisms.
13Security MonitoringDetect, alert, and respond to security threats, anomalies, and unauthorized access in real time.
14Compliance & Regulatory AnalysisEnsure operations adhere to legal, regulatory, and internal standards.
15Fraud Detection & PreventionIdentify and mitigate fraudulent activities through pattern recognition and risk assessment.
16Multi-Agent CoordinationEnable seamless collaboration and communication among multiple autonomous agents.
17API Integration & OrchestrationConnect and manage interactions with external systems, services, and data sources through standardized APIs.
18Workflow AutomationAutomate routine tasks and processes to streamline operations and improve efficiency.

Predefined Arrays

Social Media Platforms

This predefined array lists supported social media platforms for the socials[].platform field, ensuring consistency and interoperability in how profiles reference external social identities.

PlatformDescriptionHandle Format
twitterTwitter/X social network@username
githubGitHub development platformusername
discordDiscord usernameusername#0000
telegramTelegram messenger@username
linkedinLinkedIn professional network/in/username
youtubeYouTube channel@channel

Example Profiles

AI Agent Profile with HCS-10:

"version": "1.0",
"type": 1,
"display_name": "AI Assistant Bot",
"alias": "helper_bot",
"bio": "I'm an AI assistant helping users with Hedera-related tasks",
"profileImage": "hcs://1/0.0.12345",
"inboundTopicId": "0.0.789101",
"outboundTopicId": "0.0.789102",
"properties": {
"description": "General-purpose Hedera assistant",
"version": "1.0.0",
"training": {
"dataset": "hedera_docs_2024",
"method": "fine_tuning",
"timestamp": 1709654845
"supported_languages": ["en", "es", "fr"],
"max_context_length": 16384,
"response_time_ms": 250,
"uptime_percentage": 99.9
"aiAgent": {
"type": 0,
"capabilities": [0, 1],
"model": "gpt-4",
"creator": "Hashgraph Online"


The HCS-11 standard provides a simple, extensible framework for managing profiles on Hedera. With built-in versioning and a flexible structure, it supports diverse use cases while maintaining compatibility as the standard evolves.