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HCS-2 Standard: Advanced Topic Registries

Status: Published

Table of Contents


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This standard introduces advanced methodologies for managing and interacting with Topic Registries within the HCS framework. It focuses on enabling dynamic metadata, versioning, and comprehensive file management through unique identifiers and protocols.


The advent of dynamic metadata and the need for detailed version histories and state management in decentralized environments have necessitated the development of more sophisticated Topic Registries. This standard aims to provide a robust framework for indexing, retrieving, and interpreting diverse data types, enhancing the utility and scalability of NFTs, and facilitating advanced web functionalities like full site recursion.


Registry Format and Usage

The registry should adopt a standardized format to ensure consistent access and interpretation. The following fields are introduced:

FieldDescriptionExample Value
pProtocol used by the registry, typically hcs-2 for this standard.hcs-2
opOperation being executed (register, delete, update).register
t_idTopic ID where the registry information is stored.0.0.1234567
uidSequence number for files or states within the registry.42
mOptional metadata providing additional context.Update for Q2 release

m - memo is restricted to 500 characters


A list of all operations available for this standard. Note, operations that are not finalized should not be used in production applications.

OperationDescriptionUsable in non-indexed topicFinalized
RegisterAdds new entries or versions to the registry.
MigrateMoves messages to a new Topic ID. Previous messages are archived and new state is computed from the new Topic. The new Topic should either replicate all the data, or create a snapshot with a pointer to the old Topic.
DeleteRemoves entries based on UID.
UpdateModifies existing entries, by changing the referenced sequence number and updating the t_id and metadata pointers.


Registration allows creating additional entries / versions to the Topic. Utilize the follow JSON structure for valid messages.

"p": "hcs-2",
"op": "register",
"metadata": "OPTIONAL_METADATA (HIP-412 compliant)",

example useage:

"p": "hcs-2",
"op": "register",
"t_id": "0.0.123456",
"metadata": "hcs://1/0.0.456789",
"m": "register t"


Remove entries based on UID or sequence number of the message on the topic id.

This operation is invalid for non-indexed topics

Use the following JSON structure:

"p": "hcs-2",
"op": "delete",

example usage:

"p": "hcs-2",
"op": "delete",
"uid": "33",
"m": "remove hashsite from users bookmark"


Modify existing entries, completed by updating the uid or sequence number and updating that record with new metadata.

This operation is invalid for non-indexed topics

Use the following JSON structure:

"p": "hcs-2",
"op": "update",
"metadata": "OPTIONAL_METADATA (HIP-412 compliant)",

example usage:

"p": "hcs-2",
"op": "update",
"uid": "60",
"t_id": "0.0.123456",
"metadata": "hcs://1/0.0.456789",
"m": "update sequence number 60 to a new topic id and metadata"


This operation is irreversible, and can only exist once within a Topic Id. New messages after a migrate operation are invalid. It is suggested to replicate all data from the previous Topic or create a snapshot with a pointer to the old Topic.


All HRLs pointing to the original Topic, should utilize the new t_id to compute state. Additionally, root Topic Ids with more than 3 migrate operations in any part of the chain would be considered invalid. This safeguard would prevent infinite recursion.

Note, this operation is not finalized and should not be used in production.

Use the following JSON structure:

"p": "hcs-2",
"op": "migrate",
"metadata": "OPTIONAL_METADATA (HIP-412 compliant)",

example usage:

"p": "hcs-2",
"op": "migrate",
"t_id": "0.0.123456",
"metadata": "hcs://1/0.0.456789",
"m": "All hope is lost. We're moving on."

Memo for Indexers and Browsers

A memo system is defined for indexers and browsers to understand the data's state and interpret it accordingly. The memo format follows:


FieldDescriptionExample Value
protocol_standardProtocol used by the registry, hcs-2 for this standard.hcs-2
indexedenum value of if all messages need pulled down or only the last / newest message0
ttla numeric value, representing the number of seconds which external infrastructure can use to determine how long messages in this registry should be stored in cache60
Indexed enumDescription
0The topic id is indexed, and all messages should be read
1The topic id is not indexed, and only the last message should be used to determine state / topic data

Example Memo Format


Indexed Registry Mechanics [enum: 0]

Uses: Topic ids used for registiers where you need all records to get the data you need to execute logic. Typically good for most registeries.


  1. User registry for profiles of a video game
  2. A registry for posts on a social media site for a specific user
  • Expectation for new records to be continually added.
  • Indexers should gather all files and metadata listed in the registry.
  • Processing state should start from the first message and proceed to the last sequential message number.

Non-Indexed Registry Mechanics [enum: 1]

Uses: Topic ids used for dynamic state of an entity. The latest message being used is the current state of the entity being defined


  1. A description for a product on a ecom site
  2. A state of an NFT for a video game
  • Expectation for new records to be continually added.
  • Indexers should gather only the last message and metadata in that message will determine the protocol and execution.
  • Processing state should start from the first message and proceed to the last sequential message number.

TTL Use Cases

External infrastructure, dApps, clients should utilize the TTL as a reference point for how long to cache data, before attempting to fetch new messages from the registry. The default suggested value is 86400 (one day). Certain use cases might opt for lower or higher TTL values. For scalability, it is imperative to pick values that make the most sense.

Use Cases and Functionalities

  • Dynamic metadata enables NFTs and other assets to reflect changes and updates over time.
  • Full version history allows for a complete understanding of an item's evolution.
  • Enhanced file and website management through recursive indexing and state awareness.

Example URI Format

Registry links should follow a consistent format to ensure easy access and interpretation:


This facilitates direct access to specific registry entries and simplifies integration with external systems and applications.


Each field within the JSON structure for the register, delete, and update operations must meet specific criteria to be considered valid:

  • p (Protocol): Must be a string matching hcs-2. This validates that the entry adheres to the current standard.
  • op (Operation): Must be one of register, delete, or update. This indicates the action being performed. Note, update and delete would not be valid or needed operations for a non-indexed topic.
  • t_id (Topic ID): Should match the Hedera account ID format, which is three groups of numbers separated by periods (e.g., 0.0.123456).
  • uid (Unique Identifier): Must be a valid sequence number or unique identifier relevant to the operation.
  • m (Memo): An optional field providing additional context or information. Limited to 500 characters.
  • ttl (Time to live): An optional field providing an override to the TTL in the memo. Typically not required.

Attributes Validation

Specific validation rules for each attribute ensure that users adhere to the format and standards expected within the HCS framework, enhancing interoperability and consistency.


HCS-2 creates a method of connecting data and enabling dynamic state registries